Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Courageous Leadership

(if it's right do it... stop worrying, start believing!)

Courageous Leadership

There are seemingly more books on leadership than there are stars in the sky. Books by pastors, college professors, CEOs and others abound.  Occasionally there are some really new cutting edge ideas out there.  Other times the concepts are reworked and repacked with a new spin that allows a different group to access the information. Either way, the information is of limited value if you never apply it. All the head knowledge in the world won’t change a thing if you don’t have a heart of courage to put it into practice. This is especially true if you want to lead your organization based on Biblical principles.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Joshua conveyed these words from the Lord to the Israelites as they were ready to cross the Jordan into Canaan. Folks who had no use for the Israelites, no interest in their God and were all too happy to continue to worship their idols already occupied the Promised Land.  Perhaps that sounds a little like the culture of your organization as you prepare to jump into a new initiative that lines up with your own faith.  If you’re convinced it’s right then get to it.  Be strong and be courageous.

The Lord is with you.

Thanks for all you do.


Volume 7, Number 38

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Though none go with me

(don't just sit there... DO something!)

Though none go with me

Many churches, including ours, trend toward a modern worship style.  Fortunately, many also find that the lyrical content of old hymns (a common if somewhat redundant moniker) to be rich and worthy of celebration and inclusion.   A leadership book I’ve been reading included this reference to the fourth verse of one such song: “though none go with me, still I will follow”.   Being a leader means more than merely casting a vision.  You need to actually get up and demonstrate the courage of your convictions!  You hope and pray that others will come along, but it’s not always guaranteed.

If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also.  If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.” John 12:26

Sometimes the Christian walk feels like you’re at the head of a joyful parade down Main Street.  Other times it feels like you’re on a lonely walk through a bad neighborhood.  Either way you’re on the right track when you’re going where God wants you to go and doing what he’s called you to do.  The strength to persevere comes from keeping your eyes on the destination and your heart set on the rightness of your mission.  Serving the cause of Christ brings honor from the Father.  That much is guaranteed!

Thanks for all you do.


Volume 7, Number 37

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Monday, March 03, 2014


(we pick on the Israelites but are we really any better?)


The children of Israel had it made. They were rescued from slavery in Egypt by the miraculous and astounding intervention of God. They witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and the daily provision of manna to quench their hunger. Their clothes and shoes never wore out during their journey. And to top it off, the presence of the Lord dwelt in the midst of the camp in the tabernacle. Yet they continued to doubt, they continued to rebel and they continued to make bad choices.  Right at the end of his life Moses gave them one last “pep talk” and laid out the opportunities and consequences that the future could bring.

“This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.”  Deuteronomy 30:19-20

I suspect we aren’t really that different from the Israelites.  We know that God is near.  We see the difference he makes in our lives day to day.  But we are still gripped by fear, anxiety and doubt.  Let’s take Moses’ words to heart and embrace the same promise that holds true for us today. We can make the decision for life and for blessings. It really is a choice. One that‘s the sum of all the little choices we make each and every day. 

Listen to his voice and hold fast to him!

Thanks for all you do.


Volume 7, Number 36

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