Tuesday, May 21, 2013


(it's fun to watch your kids when they don't know you're looking!)


Everybody (or at least most) loves a surprise!  My evening commute found me passing in the general vicinity of my daughter’s dance class, and I decided to stop and make the after-class pickup to give Mom a break.  I sat in the busy waiting room full of parents and watched as she came out of class.  She was clearly not looking for Dad…peeking out the windows then sitting down in the middle of the floor to change shoes and throw a dress over her leotard.  I watched with a smile on my face, just waiting for her to notice that I was there. She was safe and she wasn’t alone. It did take a couple minutes, but eventually she noticed that Dad was in the house… and smiled and ran to me.

“The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day; nor the moon by night.”  Psalm 121:5-6

The Lord watches over his children just as I did that day. He’s there even though we don’t realize it. He smiles as He tracks our accomplishments. He sees the good decisions we make. He gazes with pride as we get ready for the next challenge ahead.  And when we do finally look His way with a smile and run to Him,  His joy is complete.

No we’re not alone… and we shouldn’t be afraid. 

Thanks for all you do.


Volume 7, Number 9

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