Thursday, May 16, 2013

taking responsibility

(things don't happen in a vacuum...someone needs to be responsible)

Taking responsibility

This week has brought allegation of misdeeds in various parts of the United States governmental bureaucracy.  I don’t suppose that comes as a shock to most folks…history is filled with shoddy work, dishonesty, self-enrichment and many other dishonorable outcomes in government.  Sad, but true.

But this isn’t about red-blue, right-left or politics at all.  In fact, what seems to bring about the most consternation is that no one is willing to accept responsibility for what has happened.  It’s a litany of deflecting, pointing fingers, parsing words and blaming faceless “low level” staffers.  Harry “the buck stops here” Truman must be rolling over in his grave.

“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, 
but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

Unfortunately the very same attitude creeps into our lives every day.  We abdicate responsibility for both things we have done and things we ought to have done.  We walk past the spill in the office kitchen because someone else will get it.  We point to circumstances for our bad attitudes or our inability to get into shape. We blame the boss or the interference of coworkers for our failure to get that promotion.  We pass the buck to our parents for raising us incorrectly.  And we resist saying we’re wrong and we’re sorry… to the peril of our relationships.

Stop.  Take responsibility.  Receive the mercy.

Thanks for all you do.


Volume 7, Number 8

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