Monday, March 04, 2013

ance in your plans

(we all know we need to.....)

“-ance” in your plans

It’s budget time and who doesn’t love budgeting?  Seriously…. Whether it’s getting your arms around spending at home, watching members of Congress bloviate on C-SPAN or sitting in meetings at the office, budgeting is one of the great joys of life…Right? OK, not really.  The feelings of most people on the topic actually run from “necessary evil” to full-on loathing. Our attitude doesn’t change the value of planning ahead though.  It is important in so many areas of life, not merely financial.

"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed” – Proverbs 15:22

Is it possible to create an awesome plan completely on your own?  Of course.  But gaining input from others is often the difference maker between success and failure. Involving others can save you from arrogance… the feeling that every plan will be a raging success simply because you thought of it.  The counsel of informed people can save you from ignorance…the misguided notion that you already know everything there is to know about a given subject. Looking at a problem from multiple viewpoints can increase the relevance of the solution. And getting input from those who will be effected by or charged with implementing the plan can ratchet the acceptance of the plan by leaps and bounds.

Lead by listening and get the right kind of “ance” in your plans!

Thanks for all you do.


Volume 6, Number 52

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