Monday, February 11, 2013

What will it benefit

(I don't wanna gain the whole world and lose my soul... Toby Mac)

What will it benefit…

It's not uncommon to read about a business executive who does something less than honest to increase a stock price or earn a personal bonus.  This can run the gamut from exaggerative to egregious or from blatant commission to subtle omission.  Each point on that spectrum is wrong...make no mistake.

It's not just for-profit businesses that fall prey to such antics though.  Those who have worked in the non-profit sector can tell stories as well.  Telling the board what you want them to hear, for example, or perhaps changing the rules of a campaign ever so slightly to help make a goal.  Or even worse...putting one’s own reputation and legacy ahead of the mission.

"What will it benefit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul?"
Matthew 16:26

The point is, particular forms of business are not by default good or bad.  It's the people running them who make the decisions after all.  And it's the heart of those people that drives the decisions.  Pursuing the goal of profit for the sake of profit might gain you the world (or at least a big chunk of it) but at what cost?  Doing good with no sustainable profit at all won't make an impact on a very large portion of that world.    

Wherever you work and whatever you do, lead with integrity and with a pure heart. Keep your soul intact!

Thanks for all you do.


Volume 6, Number 49

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