Thursday, September 21, 2006

Spider Webs and Mustard Seeds

(why can't it be follow the butterflies?)
The area where we live in Northern Ohio is sometimes called the Fun Coast, the North Coast or even the Roller Coast. I think it should be called the Spider Coast. I have never in my life seen so many spiders, or such large spiders. Their web making is prodigious. I can park my car in the drive after work, and by the time I come out in the morning a huge web will extend from the lamp post to my side mirror. Yuck! I suppose the plentiful water and large population of mayflies, midges and mosquitoes keep the spiders fat and happy.

The other day I was spraying some webs off the house and just couldn’t get this one tiny strand to give way. I shot a solid stream from the hose. I sent a wide spray. I swung the hose from side to side and top to bottom. It was no use. I couldn’t believe how something so small could be so strong. It reminded me of what Jesus taught about the mustard seed, the smallest seed in the garden. He told his disciples in Matthew 17:20 “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there”, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

It’s not how large your faith appears to those around you. It’s not how loud you shout “Amen!”. It’s not about carrying a Bible case everywhere you go. No, the key is how strong your faith is, how tightly wound the strands are, like the spider web. It’s about the power inside, the potential for big things, like the mustard seed.

Be strong. Be powerful. Be faithful.

Thanks for all you do.



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