Friday, August 18, 2006

How Good and Pleasant

(think about what unites us... not what divides us)

Today is the last day on the job for my friend Larry. He’s moving on to a job running a YMCA in Florida. I know he will do a fantastic job and we will miss his tireless work and leadership. Larry and I could not be much more different. He’s older. He’s as liberal as I am conservative. He’s as firm in his Jewish faith as I am in my Christianity. He’s a career YMCA professional and I’m a “parachuter”. Differences abound. But we’ve had a great time working together; laughing, strategizing, talking about family, talking Ohio State football and many other things. I think it’s because we chose to embrace our commonalities and laugh about our differences.

Psalm 133, verse 1 says “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity.” In the 3rd chapter of James it says “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?”

So my friends, the Lord is pleased when we live at peace with those who are different than we are. I’m not suggesting that we should be doormats for people, or not live with the courage of our convictions. But rather that we should seek the common ground. Look for the good. Look for the pleasant. Look for His image.

Thanks for all you do.



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