Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Things I will always remember

  • After 18 months of long commutes, Sunday May 28th marks the last time that we will be serving in the worship ministry of The Chapel. We will begin attending a church closer to our new home on a regular basis. I’ve had the privilege to serve for 8 years and Pam has served for 2. It has been one of the greatest blessings of our life. I know we will be back to visit and God willing we will come back to live in the area someday, but for now here is a long list of things I will always remember about The Chapel. Some serious: some not so much.

    - Playing 5 services in one day
    - The Prodigal Suite (sweet!)
    - Wake up it’s Christmas!
    - Realizing Guy had a big legit voice in there.
    - “tequila” as a lyric in a very good church song
    - Deb Cardy singing that bunny song, you know the one I mean
    - Jason and Kim jumping for joy when they sing
    - The gleam of the spotlights off Kenton’s head
    - Sub woofers on the stage
    - Learning to play the half-diminished chord
    - Guitar players with Gear Acquisition Syndrome
    - The first , first, first Sunday, Sunday, Sunday in Green, Green, Green
    - All the My Story’s
    - Telling My Story and learning to talk about my own pain for the first time.
    - Jay Halley’s story about dumping his son in the canal while on a bike ride
    - Glen Wood – Mr. Subtle on the drum kit (or not)
    - Andrea L. and her heavy foot
    - How wonderful it was to have my wife on the platform these last two years
    - Being “the other Brian”
    - The Rhythm thing Friday pot luck thing
    - Knute’s noodle signal
    - Telling Pam, “I don’t know who they are going to hire for the Worship Leader job, but it won’t this Kenton dude that was at rehearsal tonight. He’s a wacko””
    - Giving “birth” to a song and watching to take life on the platform
    - The Sunday night congregation cheering after the first 3 chords of “Ancient of Days”
    - We Are United (I try to forget, but it just won’t go away)
    - “Arguing” over lyrics for The Choice with Dan Lebo, admiring his convictions, and eventually changing to his way
    - The Friday morning Oatmeal club
    - Our dear, dear friends Brian and Janet
    - The teaching from the pulpit
    - Marvin Matthews’ bright blue suit, and how patiently he explained how he wanted some stuff played
    - The joy that comes from playing the B-3
    - The people, the people, the people


At 9:26 PM EDT, Blogger Rob Eubank said...

So you are a "We Are United" closet fan...I knew it! It's a great tune, man!

At 11:33 PM EDT, Blogger emily said...

I don't think I've heard the "tequila" thing. Fill me in!

At 6:26 AM EDT, Blogger Brian Keel said...

Wide Eyed
by Nicole Nordeman

When I met him on a sidewalk
He was preaching to a mailbox
Down on 16th Avenue
And he told me he was Jesus
Sent from Jupiter to free us
With a bottle of tequila and one shoe
He raged about repentance
He finished every sentence
With a promise that the end was close at hand
I didn't even try to understand

He left me wide eyed in disbelief and disillusion
I was tongue tied, drawn by my conclusions
So I turned and walked away
And laughed at what he had to say
Then casually dismissed him as a fraud
I forgot he was created in the image of my God

At 1:02 AM EDT, Blogger emily said...

oh yeah. How could I forget?


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